Tokyo Iced Strawberry Kiwi 60ml
The Tokyo Iced Strawberry Kiwi is a refreshing vape flavor in a 60ml bottle. It’s a blend of sweet strawberry and tangy kiwi, perfect for any time. The Strawberry Kiwi Tokyo style is cool and delicious. With 3mg and 6mg nicotine levels, it suits your preference. The Tokyo Strawberry Kiwi taste is a hit for its fruity, icy mix. Enjoy this delightful Tokyo Iced Strawberry Kiwi vape juice for a unique experience.
Features of Tokyo Iced Strawberry Kiwi
- Brand: Tokyo
- Flavor: Iced Strawberry Kiwi
- Size: 60ml
- Nicotine Levels: 3mg and 6mg
- Bottle Type: Chubby Gorilla Bottle
Tokyo Iced Strawberry Kiwi 60ml Price in Pakistan 2699.
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